
This should enable parents to receive parental allowance for longer if they work part-time.

This should enable parents to receive parental allowance for longer if they work part-time.

Martina’s argument that there is no guarantee of a happy relationship no matter how long you’ve been together was not accepted.

"The baby was the culmination of our love"

All the critics have all been refuted. "We have been together for 15 years and have been married for 13 years, we have two wonderful daughters and we are still in love. Sure, sometimes you think we have lost the time that others had without children. But we were so happy and freshly in love back then – this baby was just the icing on the cake." Carlos never doubted whether he was doing the right thing. And even today he is absolutely certain that he and his ‘beautiful miller’ were simply meant for each other.

Unplanned father: Two men talk Unplanned father: Ulrich’s lover wanted more Unplanned pregnancy: three women tell stories Are you on Facebook? Join our family fan page and join the discussion!

Unplanned paternity, part 1: "The beloved wanted more"

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"I just wanted an affair and then suddenly she tells me I’m going to be a father. I thought I’d be hit!" Clear words that still show the anger that 43-year-old Ulrich carries around with him. After all, he already had a family and two young daughters.

In everyday family life, passion was neglected

He and his lover Claudia had known each other for many years, were once a couple when they were very young, but had lost sight of each other. When they happened to meet again, both were frustrated and stuck in family life. Everyday life had become boring. "Everything revolved around the children. And if I wanted to sleep with my wife on the spur of the moment, I was only allowed to hear that she was too tired, had to take care of the baby at least three times that night and now needed a little sleep. She no longer seemed to care what I needed."

He was looking for confirmation, she wanted love

It was different with Claudia. Her children were older and more independent, her husband traveled a lot on business. She was bored and her lust for sex seemed insatiable. Ulrich actually didn’t want an affair, he says. But the feeling of finally being desired and confirmed as a man again and not just feeling like the caretaker with a woman made him go on. When Claudia started talking about a common future, he thought it was a pipe dream. "I didn’t respond at all, didn’t take it seriously. Of course I kept telling her that I love her and that it would surely be nice to spend every evening together – as the saying goes and suddenly she’s pregnant. I never would have thought that she would deliberately stop taking the pill and if I’m honest, this solo effort made me madly angry. It would have been my favorite, she would have had an abortion." But the 38-year-old definitely didn’t want that.

Cheated husband adopts each other’s baby

Ulrich was forced to pour pure wine for his wife. "I don’t think I’ve ever disappointed anyone so badly. And I’ve never been so scared of losing someone. I didn’t want a new family, I wanted my family. And I wanted to fight for it." His wife, who still loved him, agreed to get through the situation with him. She too wanted to save the marriage, to keep the father for the children. "When I said this to Claudia, she reacted completely hysterically and her husband, who had meanwhile been privy to it, also abused me violently." But he accepted the child as his. Ulrich did not have to pay any alimony, since officially he was born in a normal marriage. The girl, who was born a few months later, still does not know who her real father is.

Overtaken by the past

"I kind of repressed that for years. If my wife, who never got over this breach of trust, hadn’t kept reminding me about it, I might have been able to lie to myself. But that has become less and less of a lately" confesses Ulrich. I am in contact with Claudia again – she is now separated from her husband – and I feel the need to see my daughter regularly. "She looks incredibly similar to my other two daughters, any fool could, if the three stood next to each other, recognize a relationship." Ulrich has the feeling that he did everything wrong. "I always left women in the lurch when they needed me most. Both. That just won’t let me go. To be honest, it is a mystery to me how this will all go on now."

Unplanned father: Two men talk Carlos: One sex and already a baby was on the way Unplanned pregnancy: three women tell stories Are you on Facebook? Join our family fan page and join the discussion!

Unplanned paternity, part 2: "Once sex, she was already pregnant"

In our "Parent world" you will find everything that moves parents: become a Facebook fan now and join the discussion!

Abortion opponent Klaus Günter Annen compares abortions with the Holocaust on leaflets. German courts had already banned him from doing this. The activist filed a complaint with the European Court of Justice in Strasbourg. Now the judgment was made.

The radical anti-abortion opponent Klaus Günter Annen failed with a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights. German courts rightly forbade the man in several cases from calling abortions murder and comparing them with the Holocaust, the Strasbourg judges ruled (complaint number 3682/10 and others).

Defeat for anti-abortionists

It is true that Annen’s right to freedom of expression was restricted by the interim injunctions. But that was justified according to the judges: The drastic statements of the activist in connection with individual doctors could have been understood as personal attacks. This could have triggered hatred and aggression on the medical community. According to the Strasbourg ruling, the German courts correctly weighed up the rights of doctors and those of those who oppose abortion.

Survey: Majority of Germans would overturn the ban on information on abortionAbortion: Three percent of women are under the age of 18Comment: Paragraph 219a should be abolished

Abortion equated with murder

In the course of his campaigns, Annen had repeatedly referred to abortion as murder on websites or leaflets and compared it to the Holocaust. Several doctors had achieved in court that he was no longer allowed to publicly name their names in this context. Annen had protested against this in Strasbourg, citing his right to freedom of expression. The activist, who lives in Weinheim in Baden-Württemberg, can appeal the verdict within three months.

Sources used: dpa

Federal Family Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) sees the reform of the parental allowance and the planned expansion of the daycare center as essential steps for a better work-life balance. "Today we are opening a new chapter in family policy" she said at the start of the debate on the so-called Elterngeld Plus.

The Bundestag deliberates on Schwesig’s draft law in the first reading. This should enable parents to receive parental allowance for longer if they work part-time.

Discharge in the "Rush hour of life"

A modern family policy relies on fathers and mothers "Time for work and time for family" Schwesig is convinced to make it possible. In the "Rush hour of life" In the third and fourth decade of life, people are currently faced with a wide range of stresses: In this phase, efforts to find a place in work, the desire to have children and the parents’ incipient need for care coincide.

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"It is my wish to straighten out this phase of life" said Schwesig with a view to the plans for a more flexible design of parental allowance and parental leave as well as the planned expansion of the Kita expansion.

In this context, the Family Minister advocates family working hours. Both parents should reduce their working hours – the 32-hour week is under discussion. According to Schwesig, parents should be able to work part-time without this leading to major disadvantages. "Part-time now often only means the B-class job, i.e. lower pay and fewer development opportunities" so Schwesig in an interview with Spiegel Online. "I ask: Why is it not possible to straighten out this time a little and still give a perspective? A law alone cannot do that. Business and trade unions are important partners here."

Parental Allowance Plus? Schwesig is planning that

The minister also wants to encourage an earlier return to work with the so-called Elterngeld Plus: Those who work part-time of at least 25 percent can in future receive parental allowance for up to 28 months in addition to part-time income.

So far, part-time employees have also had a maximum parental leave of 14 months, which is why many prefer to stay completely at home. Fathers and mothers who both work part-time for childcare at the same time receive a partnership bonus of four additional months of parental allowance.

Special: Perspective Germany – What children in our country suffer from

Special: Perspective Germany
What children in our country suffer from

So far, parents have been entitled to parental leave up to the child’s third birthday. That should also change. In future, parents can only take advantage of this for up to 24 months later – until the child is eight years old.

Better pay for educators called for

In the Spiegel interview, Schwesig also addresses the shortage of staff in childcare. According to a study by the Bertelsmann Foundation, Germany lacks around 120,000 educators. "I am firmly convinced that we can only meet the need for skilled workers in this area if it comes to better pay" explains Schwesig and announces: "In the 2015 budget, we will be spending more money on operating costs for daycare centers than ever before."

It is still unclear whether the quality of the daycare centers will also be significantly expanded. According to Schwesig, the first conferences between the federal and state governments will take place in autumn in which common standards will be discussed, for example with regard to the childcare key. It is repeatedly criticized that an educator in Germany has to look after too many children at the same time.

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Improvement for parents with part-time jobs: that brings the ” Elterngeld Plus ” Parental Allowance 2014: What Parents Need to Know Parental Allowance and Parental Allowance Plus 2015: This is what parents should know Legal entitlement to daycare space: 20,000 daycare teachers are missing

The Federal Cabinet today passed a bill for the so-called Elterngeld Plus. Family Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) wants to further improve the compatibility of family and work. It is mainly fathers and mothers who work part-time that benefit because they receive the state benefit over a longer period of time. Parental Allowance Plus is due to come into force on July 1, 2015. These are the most important changes.

In general, the parental allowance is limited to 14 months. If mothers or fathers return to work part-time in the meantime, they lose part of their entitlement. The new regulation eliminates this disadvantage: if father and mother both work part-time after the birth of their child, they can in future receive parental allowance for up to 28 months.